Ceremonial Matcha

CHF 35.00

30 grams



Ceremonial Matcha

Made exclusively with Tencha Spring leaves from the 1st harvest and of Gyokuro quality, Ceremonial Matcha is all the virtues of a superior quality tea: called Koicha, it is the Matcha used for the Tea Ceremony with Japan. This tea is grown in Uji, Japan, one of the most prestigious regions for top quality leaves. Appellation Matcha Ceremonial Grade

Matcha has stimulating and toning properties that help resist physical and mental fatigue. This Ceremonial Premium Matcha tea is a pure concentrate of energy and taste pleasure. Its superfine powder, of a tender green, has an intense flavor of chlorophyll and a creamy taste. It is made exclusively with spring leaves from the first harvest of Gyokuro quality, developed under shade nets and cultivated in the prestigious terroir of Uji. The leaves are sorted, stripped of their stems and ground at low speed. The packaging is crimped with an opening by tamper evident ring, which guarantees the freshness of the product.

Store in the fridge after opening.
This Matcha powder foams very easily with a bamboo whisk, Chasen.

Manufacturing technique
Ceremonial Matcha is made in the following way:

Blocking of fermentation as soon as it leaves the field by a short passage with water vapour; immediate cooling in a flow of fresh air.
Sorting: Only the leaves are kept, the twigs and buds are separated for another use.
6 successive and gentle dehydration operations, which increase the weight of fresh tea from 100 kg to 20 kg. NB: No rolling in the case of Matcha, unlike other Japanese green teas. Indeed, it is not necessary to promote the emission of active ingredients by lysing the cells by rolling. Preparation in powder form is more effective. Final drying to remove all traces of moisture. (Very) slow grinding using small granite stone wheels: Around 100g per hour and per wheel.

Ceremonial Matcha