Iranian Saffron
The Iranian saffron is a spice taken from a crocus, Crocus sativus. Its name comes from its blood red color. Each bulb produces only one or two light or dark purple flowers. They each bear three red stigmas, which give off the characteristic smell of saffron. It takes more or less 140,000 flowers to make 1 kg of saffron, which explains the high price. Above all, keep it dry.
Saffron neguine is the excellence of saffron. It comes from only the upper part of the saffron pistil. This is the noblest and most prestigious part. It is in the upper part that the aroma of the crocus will be concentrated, the best rate of crocin, picrocin and superior safranal. The filaments are smaller and redder than others available. It is said to be blood red in color. The upper part of the filament is cut by hand and left to dry just after pruning.
They say you can’t cheat with saffron. Because it is a spice that has a flavor of its own. An aromatic palette of her own. How to recognize a good saffron: It is a spice in the form of small, very fine filaments called stigmas. It has a blood red color or an intense orange rusty red color. The flavor of saffron: It is a spice that will make you travel, which is conducive to creative cuisine, it is on aromatic floral and tannic notes that we recognize saffron. There are also notes of honey and very metallic wilted flowers. Saffron in the kitchen: It will bring suave and sweet notes to your creative cuisine. It is also said to have sweet notes. Saffron should never have yellowish or even orange ramifications.
Saffron has been used since ancient times in Persia as a remedy for all ailments, it was used as a medicinal remedy for melancholy and as a perfume. In Chinese medicine, it is used as a tranquilizer for cramps and asthma. Today, researchers have identified 150 volatile and aromatic compounds.