White Truffle

CHF 130.00

30 grams



White Truffle

Considered the most select in the world, the white truffle (Tuber Magnatum) owes its prestige to its limited and short availability, in addition to its incredible and spectacular aroma. The white truffle is born in the wild in the countryside, from the end of September to the end of December.

This magnatum truffle variety grows mainly in Central and Eastern European countries such as Italy, Croatia, Kosovo or Bulgaria among others.

Celebrations like the one that takes place every year at the castle of Grizane Cavour, near the Piedmontese town of Alba, have developed around this delicacy. This is the international auction of white truffles for charity, where the most famous restaurateurs and gourmets compete to obtain this precious gastronomic diamond.

The important part of the world harvest of white truffles takes place in Italy. This is where it grows naturally in the forests of the Piedmont region, where it is believed to originate. However, in recent years, the origin of this truffle can be found in several Eastern European countries.

The white truffle begins to grow in September, but it is considered that its ripening point is not yet optimal for consumption. As it is an exceptional and unique product, it is advisable to wait for the optimal moment to enjoy its aroma and flavor.

This optimal moment of ripening comes with the cold. The sooner the cold arrives in the forests of Italian Piedmont, the sooner you can consume premium white truffles. With a bit of luck, the first specimens appear in October.

As winter approaches, white truffles are more available and generally of better quality: if you want to consume fresh white truffles at their peak, the ideal months are November, December and, if weather conditions are favourable, January. As it is a wild product that cannot be grown, Tuber Magnatum is usually irregular in shape (as pictured) and exceeds 15g per piece.

White truffle